Jimmidonal Cetacea

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Jimmodonal Cetacea

Jimmidonal cetacea.jpg

Sage of Divination

Born 240 (age 281)
Sex Male
Race Gnome
Class Wizard
Last Seen Trabem

Jimmidonal Cetacea is a world-renowned diviner and professor at the Arcane University of Trabem. It is rumored that Jimmidonal's magnum opus is an arcane encyclopedia that houses all of the information in the world.

Early Life

Jimmidonal's actual background has been lost to the outside world due to time. He surely has detailed notes of it. As far back as everyone else can remember, he has been a sage of divination operating within Trabem's Second Circle. He is always seeking more information about the world in which he lives.

Recent Events

Sleeping Giants

Elaina Nile and Stratton Traushaft Pipsquanchy found Jimmidonal in his estate in Trabem. There, they learned of several things. The Chosen One Prophecy was a prophecy about a (you guessed it) chosen one, with more info located in the southern Daryen Forest swamplands. The chess piece that Stratton received as a gift was a common gift exchanged between powerful mages who wished to scry upon one another easily. And lastly, Stratton's chess piece was actually located. It currently resided in Kittiwake's Edge, in the possession of a gnomish man with guards who wore jet-black plate armor.

At a physical cost, Stratton also agreed to scry upon previous owners of the chess piece. There were 5 total throughout history, the most recent being the gnome in Kittiwake's Edge. The next most recent was the doppelganger who stole it from Stratton, who was traveling through the Daryen Forest disguised as Stratton himself at the time of the scrying. Figuring the third and fourth owners were himself and Bigby, Stratton decided to forego scrying upon them and instead focus on the original owner. He saw a dark elven man sitting at an onyx desk with a glowing blue orb next to him, later revealed to be Geurion Nikodemus.[1]

Later, Jimmidonal scried upon 3 people for Elaina, in exchange for knowing her background. The first person was Mitlargo Thistlehouse, who was in Kittiwake's Edge at the time of the scry. The second was Lord Primo Nile, who was sitting in a mundane government meeting of some sort in the city of Shahz Inem. The third was General Hector Nile, who was located underground somewhere between Shahz Inem and Sulta Ixen, casually commanding troops. It was an area that Elaina was not aware existed, and Jimmindonal wondered aloud if Hector was looking for a magical artifact of some sort.[2]

At the conclusion of Sleeping Giants, Jimmidonal met with one of his students, Lauren Shrubbery. They were reviewing a book she had been working on painstakingly. It was a retelling of the events of Sleeping Giants, and was titled "Sleeping Giants: An In-Depth Recounting, by Lauren Shrubbery". The final passage of the book was as follows:[3]

And so, what began as a series of unlikely friendships, ended in relationships formed on trust, respect, and even a little bit of scorn. Little Lyla Hellebore, the girl who left home to rescue her brother. Stratton Traushaft Pipsquanchy, a lover first, a performer second, and a fighter distant third. Elaina Nile, the runaway princess who never forgot her people. Horatio Langford, the orphan boy who became the world's best investigator. And Jordan Steingard, protector of the people, even if they didn't know they needed it. Individually, they may have been heroes in their own world. But together, they were heroes for the whole world.


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